August 19, 2004

Quote of the day

So far, anyway. From the outrageous keyboard of Ann Coulter:

The problem with a suck-up press for Democrats is that with no adversary press to call them on it, Democrats develop wilder and wilder Walter Mitty fantasy lives until finally one day, when they are at the zenith of their political careers, someone notices that they're not Irish, they didn't deserve their war medals, 254 swiftboat veterans hate them, and they didn't spend Christmas Eve, 1968, in Cambodia.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 03:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

August 18, 2004

Drink responsibly

I make lots of posts about drinking/brewing/drinking beer. What I fail to mention, maybe, is that I do the majority of my imbibing at home, where the couch is my designated driver. More or less. Anyway, here's a handy chart for you to know when- or when not- to drive. It provides your blood alcohol content based on your weight and sex. Sorry women, but beer affects you differently than it does men. Be aware that the "drinks" column indicates the number of 12 ounce(5% ABV) beers, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.25 ounces of 80 proof liquor. If you like big beers as much as I do, adjsut your number accordingly.

DrinksBody Weight in Pounds

DrinksBody Weight in Pounds

Posted by: Physics Geek at 09:13 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 125 words, total size 4 kb.

Wictory Wednesday

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday I ask my readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign if they haven't done so already. And if you have volunteered and donated, then get a friend to join you. It's the only way to defeat the lying liberal media.

If you're a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesday simply by putting up a post like this every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the president's re-election campaign. Be sure to visit these fine participating blogs:

Posted by: Physics Geek at 08:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.

New skank celebrity endorsement

Protein Wisdom has discovered that the skanky whore Jessica Cutler has accepted a new endorsement deal. He has the Photoshopped photgraphic evidence. Oh and be smarter than me. Empty your mouth of Diet Dr. Pepper before viewing. Hey, don't say I didn't warn you.

Update: I didn't follow my own advice before scrolling down to this post. Fortunately, they don't charge me for using the paper towels here at work.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 07:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

I'm always the last to know

Well, here's a "pledge" that I can fully support. Excerpt:

And the truly neat thing is that, unlike our counterparts on the Left, WE won't have to make shit up to do it - John Kerry himself will hand us all the ammo we need, just as Bill Clinton did before him. We won't even have to lie. *snicker*

Sa'ang-fori. The gloves are off. No remorse. No quarter. No surrender. No nicey-nice pussified mealy mouthed "Well, we know that you guys lied through your teeth with the complicity of the media slandering us and Bush for the past four years to get your way, and now that your guys is in, we're like, better than that so you get a free pass and we'll be nice".

Heh. Bullshit. My narrow half-breed libertarian ass we will. You guys just thought Clinton got the treatment.

So get ready for the next eight years, because whichever candidate "wins", it's gonna be a hell of a ride. *wolf's grin*

Thanks to Little Miss Attila for pointing it out.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 07:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 187 words, total size 1 kb.

Something to live up to

Harvey takes a brief respite from his normal blogging ways to post about his father, in whose foosteps he aspires to follow. Like most people, I don't want the worse part of "for better or for worse" to happen. However, if the unthinkable should occur, I hope that I am able to aquit myself as well.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 03:34 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 66 words, total size 1 kb.

RepublicansDemocrats are the party of the rich

Alpha Patriot has the lowdown and the links. Excerpt:

...Take a look at the top 25 contributors to 527s for the 2004 election cycle. Who do you think tops the list? George Soros?

No, Soros is second with a measely $12.6 million, well behind Peter Lewis who has thrown out over $14 million.

How far down the list must you go to find a conservative? Carl Lindner is tied for tenth place just a little over one million dollars. Paul Singer is tied for 22nd with half that.

Together, they account for just 2.6% of the $57,713,283 donated to 527s by the top 25 donors.

Liberals account for 97.4% of the top donations to 527s, giving over $56 million.

Yet they myth continues that it is the Republican Party that is the party of the rich.

Roy F. Hoffman, a retired admiral and chairman of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, said the first TV ad, which ran for one week in Ohio, Wisconsin and West Virginia at a cost of $550,000, got so much national news attention that it generated an additional $400,000 from 8,000 donors around the country.

Doing the math, the average donation from these 8,000 people is $50.
To match the donations made by 23 rich liberals, 1,123,865 people would have to donate $50 each.

As soon as I make this post I'm going to go change that number to 1,123,864.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 02:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 248 words, total size 2 kb.

Want a built in spam filter?

By now- I hope- everyone has heard of You can retrieve fraudulent email addresses and passwords that will allow you access to those &*$*&^$ "register at our site first" news sites. There is a flaw, however: some sites will send you a link to your "registered" email address that will allow you access to their site. This presents a problem in that you can never retrieve the access info. Or can you? In the comments to a post over at Vox Day, someone pointed me in the direction of the Spam Gourmet. Here's the lowdown:

How spamgourmet works

If you give your email address to everyone, you are bound to receive spam emails, and you won't know where they came from. Wouldn't it be convenient to give a different email address to every business or web site, while getting all your email as before? Wouldn't it be easiest to assume the address will be given to spammers, and have it shut off automatically unless you decide otherwise?

That's exactly what spamgourmet offers! There is nothing to install on your computer, and once you're set up, it's likely you won't ever have to come back here. This is what makes spamgourmet one of the most convenient and effective ways to avoid spam.

Arm yourself against spammers in three easy steps:

1. If you haven't done it yet, create a spamgourmet account. Enter your user name and your forwarding email address. You will be asked to identify the word in a picture and pick a password.

2. Spamgourmet will forward to this address all the emails sent to your spamgourmet disposable addresses -- hence the name forwarding address. Of course, this forwarding address must exist. That's why you have to confirm it. You'll receive an email asking you to confirm.

3. After you have confirmed your forwarding address, you can give out self-destructing disposable email addresses whenever you want. The disposable addresses are like:

where someword is a word you have never used before, x is the number of email messages you want to receive at this address (up to 20), and user is your username.

For example, if your user name is "spamcowboy", and BigCorp wants you to give them your email address (on the web, on the phone, at a store - it doesn't matter), instead of giving them your real address, give them this one:

This disposable email address will be created here the first time BigCorp uses it (you don't have to do anything to create it), and you'll receive at most 3 messages, forwarded to your forwarding address. The rest will be indelicately consumed.

It's beautiful, man. ::sniff::

Posted by: Physics Geek at 02:45 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 456 words, total size 3 kb.

You are entering The Nuance Zone

Image found at Nealz Nuze:

Posted by: Physics Geek at 01:45 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 17 words, total size 1 kb.

August 17, 2004

A really cool idea

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash? I'm a huge Bruce Campbell fan, so this would be a must see in my book. Thanks to Michele for providing the link.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 05:20 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.

Nerd-related news

Okay, it's a tangential relation at best. Hwoever, the Puppy Blender links to this interview with Gary Gygax, the former insurance salesman who created Dungeons and Dragons, a game that I spent lots of time playing. Hey, it's no accident that I call myself a Geek.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 04:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.

Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer...

The results are in. However, I'm sticking with the car. Scooping poop isn't really my thing.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 04:38 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 30 words, total size 1 kb.

August 16, 2004

The Alliance turns one

Harvey has a lengthy post about the Alliance's first year. It's a worthy trip down memory lane. There is some damn fine humor to be found amongst all of the links. Go check it out. And if you're a newbie blogger, or an established one looking for a home, check out the rules. Fame, fortune and ridicule can all be yours. Okay, maybe just the last one.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 04:07 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 75 words, total size 1 kb.

Asshole, thy name be John Kerry

Everyone with an ounce of sense knew that President Bush would arrive in Florida not long after Charlie passed through, appearing with Jeb around the state. This would let everyone know that the President really cares(actually, I believe that he does, so this isn't a swipe) about their misfortune and would be bringing the resources of the government to bear to help rebuild the areas devastated by the hurricane. So imagine my surprise(not) when I was reading Nealz Nuze this morning and saw the following rant:

Now this was probably the most transparent, idiotic, moronic and childish moment of the campaign thus far. When John Kerry was asked about President Bush's visit to Florida after the passage of Hurricane Charley, he had nothing but criticism. Kerry said that Bush should have waited to visit, because Bush's visit would divert the efforts of "first responders." There isn't an American alive with enough sense to operate a can opener who doesn't know that if Bush hadn't made a visit to Florida within a few days after the hurricane Kerry would be citing Bush's absence as proof that he doesn't really care about the people of Florida.

Slowly ... day by day ... John Kerry reveals to the American people just what a pompous, overstuffed, elitist jerk he is. Hopefully enough Americans will see the real Kerry before they make him our president.

Sadly, that may not be the case. Anyway, here's to you, John Kerry. I give you the special middle finger salute. You asshole.

Update: And I thought that the whole Christmas in Cambodia could be a problem for Kerry. Turns out that Captain Ed is on to an even bigger story. Excerpt:

Bingo! Yachtzee! Alston received his serious wounds in that same exact battle that took Peck out of service. On January 29th, Alston was medevaced out to a hospital with head wounds and no records indicate that he ever returned to the unit. Kerry took command of PCF-94 the next day. Alston never served a day under Kerry's command. In fact, Kerry received a replacement, Fred Short, on 28 February as a replacement for Alston.

Holy crap! Did the Dem's really not check out their candidates credentials or did they just figure that, regardless of the truth, the media would cover for them? I'm leaning towards the latter possibility, of course, but that's only due to a lifetime's worth of paying attention. Here's my prediction: the Swift Boat Vet's story, in of itself, won't adversely impact Kerry's campaign in a statistically significant way. However, the growing number of provably false statements about his service in Vietnam will ultimately prove the undoing of the Senator's presidential campaign. And don't be surprised if, should things continue to go badly for Kerry, the Torricelli option is explored by the Democrats.

Update #2: More details here.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 01:38 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 485 words, total size 3 kb.

August 13, 2004

Tax cut myths debunked

I'm about to the point now where I have to suppress my gag reflex when one of my liberal Democrat friends uses the "tax cuts for the wealthy" canard. Well, here's an example that you can use to poke holes in their little argument. I realize that economic education in this country sucks, so this example uses simple mathematics. Okay, people in this country aren't great at math as a rule either, but I have to start somewhere. Here goes:

Let's assume a 2 taxpayer economy(it's a small country). Person A makes $10,000 a year. Person B earns $100,000 a year. Both pay 10% of their earnings in taxes. Let's work out the numbers:

1) Taxes paid by person A- $1,000
2) Taxes paid by person B- $10,000

Person B currently pays 91% of all taxes; he also earns 91% of all income. Easy, right? So now let's give the people a tax cut.

1) A receives a 50% tax cut, reducing the amount he pays annually to $500.
2) Person B receives a 10% tax cut, reducing the amount he pays to $9,000.

"Look!" you say. "B received a $1,000 tax break while A only received a $500 cut. Person B therefore received 2/3 of the total tax cut. Unfair!"

Okay, let's interpret what's happened. You are correct that B has received a greater dollar amount reduction than A. However, as a percentage of their taxes, A received a 50% reduction while person B received only a 10% reduction. Translation: B now pays 9% of his salary in taxes while A only pays 5%.

1) A pays $500 a year
2) B pays $9,000 a year

Person B now pays 94.7% of the total tax burden while still earning only 91% of all income. Yes, he received a greater total monetary tax cut, but percentage-wise, he's now paying a greater share of the overall tax burden. Now let's move on to a more realistic example. Same people, same salary, but different tax rates.

A still earns $10,000 a year and his tax rate is 10%. B hasn't gotten a raise in salary, so he still earns $100,000 a year. However, his tax rate is now 20% because it's fair that he pay a higher rate. After all, he can afford to. Right? Anyway, here's the taxpayer breakdown:

1) Taxes paid by person A- $1,000
2) Taxes paid by person B- $20,000

Person B currently pays 95.2% of all taxes. Let's provide a tax cut for this example:

1) A receives a 50% tax cut, reducing the amount he pays annually to $500.
2) B receives a 5% tax cut, reducing the amount he pays to $19,000.

Once again, B garners a $1,000 tax cut while poor old working stiff A only gets a puny $500 cut. B now pays a tax rate of 19.5% while A pays only 5% of his income in taxes. How does this affect the overall tax burden? Person B was paying 95.2% of all taxes before the cut. After the government lets him keep a little bit more of his money, he now pays 97.4% of all taxes. And still, poor old B earns only 91% of the total income in this small country.

"How can this be? The "rich" received twice as large a tax cut in each example, but his total share of all taxes increased! I'll ignore the result because it must be wrong."

Uh no, it isn't. So pay attention: if you already pay the vast majority of the taxes, any tax break that doesn't pretty much exclude you will give you a large dollar amount cut than someone paying diddly squat. Even then, that cut may not mean much as a percentage of your income. Not that you-the evil, evil rich- will turn down the tax cut. However, the reality is that you didn't receive anywhere near the same percentage cut as someone on the lower end of the income spectrum.

Class is over now. Club this simplistic information over the head of the baby seals strident income reditributionists you meet.

Update: Looks like I should have read other blogs before posting this. Turns out Wizbang has the actual numbers from the IRS proving this very thing.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 04:33 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 716 words, total size 4 kb.

Frank J.'s worst nightmare

So scientists are creating super-monkeys. I guess I ought to visit the Statue of Liberty while I still can. Without being hunted by apes on horseback, of course.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 01:57 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 36 words, total size 1 kb.

Normally I don't like to bash the Catholic Church

But crap like this makes me call bullshit. Excerpt:

An 8-year-old girl who suffers from a rare digestive disorder and cannot consume wheat has had her first Holy Communion declared invalid because the wafer contained none, violating Catholic doctrine.

First let me say this: bullshit. And let me add this: complete bullshit. The act of communion is a symbolic one, with the bread representing Christ's body and the wine representing his blood, which was shed for us. But the church is claiming that if the wafer doesn't contain unleavened bread, it's not real communion. Sorry, you can never share in the sacrament if you don't eat wheat. A little gluten can hurt you? A lot? Not our problem; it's your's.

In my opinion, Jesus is hawking up a big loogie in Heaven to splot these assholes with.

Update: John Cole puts takes Catholic Church doctrine out to the woodshed. Let me reiterate my position: this is complete and utter bullshit, and anyone who tries to hide behind doctrine-translation: some self-described infallible man's opinion passed off as gospel- isn't worth arguing with.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 01:54 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 199 words, total size 1 kb.

Friday the 13 revisited

I actually look forward to Friday the 13th. Good things usually happen to me on those days. Counter-intuitively enough, 13 is my lucky number. In any event, I thought that I present to you some possible origins of Friday the 13th. I've always leaned towards the definition from Norse mythology myself. Excerpt:

Another suggestion is that the belief originated in a Norse myth about twelve gods having a feast in Valhalla. The mischievous Loki gatecrashed the party as an uninvited 13th guest and arranged for Hod, the blind god of darkness, to shoot Baldur, the god of joy and gladness, with a mistletoe-tipped arrow. Baldur was killed and the Earth was plunged into darkness and mourning as a result.

For those unfamiliar with why mistletoe was chosen, think Achilles heel. Every thing in the world had promised to not harm Baldur, the exception being mistletoe because it seemed so innocuous. Whoops.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 01:29 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

August 12, 2004

Beware Pinky the cat

Readers of this blog know that I love cats, having 3 in my house already. However, I've never suffered this guy's fate. Something tells me that Pinky's finding a new home soon. Oh, and make sure that you've got your sound turned on.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 09:49 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.

McGreevey to resign

And gee, there isn't a single mention of the Governor's political affiliation.What are the odds? Know what's worse? It's posted at FoxNews. Bah.

Update: Over at Outside the Beltway, James offers his point of view:

The logic here elludes me: He did something that was sufficiently bad that he must resign the governorship--but not bad enough that he can't wait three months plus? Apparently, he's a gay Democrat before he's a gay American.

Posted by: Physics Geek at 08:54 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

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